Ayboll Ads for your blog
Adding advertisements to a blog is a complicated process for newbie bloggers. Even the seasoned bloggers are at times confused whether they can add a particular ad along with their Adsense account. Then there is another problem that arise from the overload of advertisements on your blog. See the advertisements I placed above this paragraph. It may look awkward and annoying for the readers if we add two much advertisements on a web page. Am I right?
Sometimes, we may need to do a lot of experiments or trial and error methods before choosing the right ads on our blogs. In this article, I am sharing the experience of using Ayboll ads in this blog.
What makes Ayboll different from other advertisements?
Unlike most other Ads of the similar type, Ayboll Ad is so easy to set up in your website. The sign-up process is very simple. Anyone with a blog or website can quickly do the registration process and start using it in your blog within minutes and start earning.

The blog owner has the option to create customized widget that can be placed on the content or at the sidebars of the website. These widgets are linked to contents published on other networks that may provide a reader with interesting information about any topic. Also, if any of your readers completes the purchase of a product or service after clicking on the Ayboll widget, you will get a share of the revenue.
This ad can be used along with Google Adsense but make sure to go through the terms and conditions of Google Adsense before you start using Ayboll on your blog.
The Ad support Paypal, Wire Transfer and Skrill as the mode of transaction for your payments.
Setting up your Ayboll widget
Setting up Ayboll widget is another very easy process. All you need to do is choose the 'My Widgets' option and then click 'Create.' Here you need to fill out few details like the website address, a name for the widget and widget header title(optional).

Then you can start customizing the widget. The number of rows and columns in the ad can be changed according to your needs and space in your website. Also, there is an option to choose the style of your widget where you have two choices. Here, you can choose either a black background or a light background for the widget.
The only important thing you need to note here is the proper selection of rating of the Ads. Here there are three options named Safe, Moderate, and 18+. Make sure you choose the option 'Safe' as this option provide you with contents that are safe for children. Please don't forget to choose the right option here for your website because if you choose the option 18+, it may lead you to have contents improper for your site.
Once you customize the widget, then you have the option to save it and get the code. Now, just copy and paste the code where you like to place the ads on your website.

I started using Ayboll only a few weeks back, and hence I think I have to come up with a more detailed review after few more weeks. Your comments are most welcome so that I can come up with more ideas in my forthcoming posts.
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Image source:Screenshots from Ayboll.com
©2015Digitaldimensions4u.com The content is copyrighted to Reji Stephenson and may not be reproduced on other websites.
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